To Our Valued Customers and Community,

The health and wellness of our customers and team members is of upmost importance to us. While there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our county, we are taking every possible precaution to keep our store environment safe so that you may continue to have access to the supplies you need for yourself and your animals. As we continue to plan and watch how the situation unfolds, we wanted to share the measures we have already put in place:

1. We are disinfecting all touchable surfaces multiple times a day – including shared areas of counters, door handles, pens and restroom surfaces.

2. We have added, and will continue to add as available, additional stock of feed, hay, and shavings as well as any other supplies you may need not only for normal daily life but also in the event of a quarantine situation. Some of these trucks have already arrived and more are on the way in the coming days. If there’s something not immediately obvious that we can potentially help source for you, please do not hesitate to ask. Many of our vendors have a wide array of items outside our normal stocking capacity.

3. Committed to Social Distancing but need supplies? We’ve got you covered! We offer call ahead ordering and curb side pick-up as an everyday service to our customers at no additional charge. Simply give us a call with your order, we will answer any questions, offer substitutions if items are unavailable and take your credit card payment over the phone. Then you simply alert us when you have arrived to pick up and we run your order out to you. Easy as that!

4. Additionally, we offer full delivery service 5 days a week all year, but have added capacity within our local delivery area, especially for smaller loads that you would rather have delivered to your home. In the coming days, we will be setting up delivery routes and plan on delivering store item purchases (excludes hay, grain or shavings) over $75 for free and purchases less than $75 for a $5 fee while we all navigate what is ahead. We appreciate you choosing to shop local and support small business and are happy to be able to expand our delivery service at a discounted rate.

5. Finally, are you, or do you have a family member or neighbor who is over the age of 65 and/or immunocompromised and needs supplies? We will deliver any store item purchases or small loads (less than 15 items) of warehouse supplies (including hay, grain and shavings) for FREE upon request to these customers within our local delivery area. We realize that COVID-19 is especially worrisome to elderly or immunocompromised people and want to make it as easy on them as possible.

Your commitment to supporting small and local businesses is what makes this community so great. We are committed to assisting you through this uncertain time to the best of our ability while maintaining our attention to outstanding customer service and competitive pricing. This is not a time to profit, this is a time for us all to come together and do what we can to support each other. We thank you for supporting us, not only in these times, but every day.