Did you know that Moore Equine Feed & Pet Supply offers an in-house Frequent Buyer Program for every, yes EVERY! dog or cat food that we carry (and even some other neat items as well)? We have worked very hard with our vendors over the past six months to be able to bring this program to our customers. We appreciate you and your choice to Shop Local and this is our way of saying “Thank You”.
Please Note: We do not carry the complete line in each brand however, if we don’t have it, chances are, we can get it and are happy to do so!
Even better - You don’t do any of the work or record keeping! Here’s how it works: We have designed cards that we track your purchases on in-store and when you get to the free bag mark we give you your FREE bag. It’s as easy as that! Please keep in mind that each brand has different requirements for FREE product redemption (it could be the most frequently purchased product or the least expensive product purchased). Our knowledgeable staff members will be happy to answer any questions you may have and explain what your brand’s requirements are. The only thing we ask of you is that you kindly remind us that you have a card when you’re checking out. We try to remember every time, but alas, we are only human ….
This is another way we make life with animals easier!
Stay tuned for our next “Did you know…?” Blog